3D Models

The gallery below will show you a couple of 3D models I've made in the past. For the Delmor project you can read about HERE, I created market stands in different colours, combining market stands with crates with different products like groceries and other materials. In the game we had a huge wall that seperated an ancient forest from the rest of the world. The wall had been breached and the monsters could walk through the breach. The biggest model I had to make was the church you can see. It was actually my first big model I had ever made and it wasn't easy to model it all, especially because you can see it from a really long range. Next to building static models I also tried to model some characters.

Although it's not something I've been doing for a long time it is definitely something I will do and practise more in the future.

Markt Stand

Markt Stand

Destroyed Wall

Destroyed Wall







